
Net Zero & Good Design in Lighting @ IIDEX


Join us at Toronto’s IIDEX Canada, where Sheena Sharp will be presenting a seminar on Thursday, December 4, 2014, 10:00-12:00 entitled: “Can Net Zero Meet Good Design in Lighting?” with Deborah Gottesman and Harold Murray.

“This seminar demystifies what it means to target net zero: what it is, where to start, and how to get there. There will be a detailed focus on the daylighting, electric lighting and lighting control design strategies, as they are a major contributor to achieving net zero. We will explore how to develop lighting concepts – a crucial step to achieving a quality visual environment with precision design. Finally, the learning is rounded out by a detailed look at the daylighting studies which demonstrate how it all comes together, including the financial implications”

More information can be found at the IIDEX site.

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