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Sammon Passive House Featured in Canadian Architect

The Sammon Passive House deep energy EnerPHit renovation was featured yesterday on Canadian Architect. The article highlights the strategies we used to achieve Passive House certification, as well as makes the case for why deep energy retrofits can play such an important part in helping Toronto achieve it’s climate change and Net Zero Existing Buildings […]

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OAA HQ Retrofit Update in Canadian Architect Magazine

The OAA Headquarters recently underwent a retrofit to make it Net-zero. Canadian Architect has published a new article, written by Kathleen Kurtin about the project. The OAA Headquarters Net-zero Carbon Retrofit is near and dear to Coolearth’s heart because Sheena Sharp, Coolearths Principles was a key member of The OAA Building Committee, who initiated and […]

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OAA Building – Net-zero Carbon Retrofit

The Ontario Association of Architects began a project to retro-fit their own headquarters in Toronto to make it Net-zero Carbon in March 2014.   As a member of the Sustainable Built Environments Committee of the OAA, Coolearth principle Sheena Sharp has been involved in conceptualizing the need for the project, as well as guiding it’s direction which aims […]

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