
Coolearth strikes!

Get off Gas!!

Yes, that’s our pledge in support of the #globalclimatestrike taking place this September.

Highlighting the urgency of cutting carbon emissions, the young Swede and climate activist Greta Thunberg, sailed from England to NewYork rather fly, making it a zero-carbon journey.

So a 16-year old can, why can’t we take a stand?

Though we all know the effects of greenhouse emissions in the environment, we don’t care and are unconsciously making this planet worse to live.

Our aim of our strike is to make people aware of ways to reduce the use of gas, by adopting energy-efficient methods & systems and also incorporating changes in lifestyle. By having the mechanical systems maintained timely, opting for energy-star rated products, going for a net-zero construction while building a new house, switching off the lights when not in use, turning off water while brushing and washing unless rinsing, carpooling, biking etc are a few measures we can take to help minimize GHGs into the environment and eventually  cope with global warming.

Its time to “Act Faster”!

We #standwithgreta

Join us on Friday, 20 Sept. 9.00am-5 pm, at 386 Pacific Avenue, Toronto.

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