
Blower Door Testing on Net-zero Toronto Semi-detached Retrofit

Yesterday the Coolearth team conducted a Blower Door test on the Net-zero Toronto Semi-detached Retrofit project during the construction phase to identify any major air leaks.

By doing the Blower Door test mid-construction we are able to work with the contractor to solve problems before we get to far into the process.   This saves money and time!

After sealing all of the major vents and intakes we installed the fan into the door-frame and de-pressurized the interior.

We then used a smoke pen to locat and mark areas of concern for air leakage.  The contractor was with us and we were able to find a few areas of concern that will be re-sealed.  We have been working with the contractor closely to ensure that the windows, foundation-floor connection are all done as per our Building Specialist, German’s Air-Control plan.  The photo below shows the in-progress exterior of the retro-fit with the new windows (in their plywood window boxes with air-sealing tape) installed.

Overall the house is  airtight — which means we are getting closer to our goal of being Net-Zero Carbon.

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