
With sadness we share the passing of Martin Poizner

Coolearth’s long-time partner and mentor, Martin Poizner passed away peacefully on January 28th. We offer our sincerest condolences to Helen, Tracy, Rob, Martin, Murray, and Miriam.

Martin and Sheena met while advocating for small firms at the Ontario Association of Architects and formed a long-term bond, and together with Lou Ampas founded Coolearth in 2008. Since then Martin has worked on many projects at the firm, offering his experience, insight, wit, positive, and pragmatic approach through the years.

In 2007 Martin was awarded the Order of Davinci by the OAA. This award was presented in honour of his “significant and meaningful contribution to the profession of architecture”.

For those interested the service is today at 2pm. You can watch the service online here:

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